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What are Bund Futures?

The brave new world for FuturesTechs is welcoming new traders into the fold. Whereas we’ve traditionally catered for Professional Traders and Brokers, with our new “per end user” website we can now be accessed by a wider audience.

But a question we’re being asked quite a lot by new subscribers is “What is the Bund?”, amongst other things! (Bobl, Schatz, Euribor, Short Sterling, GasOil, to name but a few!).

We have been writing Technical Analysis in the Bund Future right from the start. It is one of our original reports from 2000 when we first set up. It has an interesting history actually, because Bunds were traded on the LIFFE Floor until about 1999, at which point they suddenly migrated to the DTB, now called Eurex, which was one of the early pioneers of Electronic Trading. As it was one of the biggest Futures contracts in the world at that time (and still is today) this was quite a coup, and can be classed as the death knell for Floor traded Futures, not just in London, but around the world.

As I said above the Bund Future is one of the biggest contracts in the world, regularly trading over 1 million lots per day. It is the benchmark for 10 year Bonds in Germany. Even though Europe “became one” in 2002 the financial markets, still to this day, reference the Bund for transactions in the European money markets.

The 5 year Bond Futures is the Bobl, and the Schatz tracks the 2 year part of the curve. All three trade very good Volume each day and are excellent contracts to look at if you are accessing the market directly. By definition the shorter dated contracts have less volatility.

When choosing a contract to trade (direct to the market as opposed to Spread Betting) Volume and Volatility are the two things you need to look for. Volatility is specific to your needs: For some people the DAX Future is a rampant animal that they would never dream of trying to tame. To others it’s a perfect challenge and the Volatility is welcomed.

But Volume is important because you need to be able to get out of a trade if it’s going against you, and if you trade something that’s very thin you may have trouble doing this.

So to new visitors of our Members area I urge you to have a look at these products and discover if there’s something there that suits you.

Most spread betting firms have quotes for these contracts, and the spreads will likely be reasonably close, because one of the things the Spread betters base the size of their spread upon is their ability to “trade the other side” if they want to.